Monday, January 28, 2013

1. Scientists predict that prune fingers may serve a purpose.  What purpose do they suggest prune fingers serve?
They suggest that prune fingers wrinkles improve our fingers’ ability to grasp wet, slippery objects.

2. Do you think that the study performed in England was a valid study?  Why or why not?  
No it is not a valid study,because the number of participants was small. Also people's hands may take longer than 30 minutes to develop the wrinkles. Besides they did not mention how much was the difference between the two groups. 
3. How would you design an experiment to gather more data to support the suggestion that prune fingers serve a purpose?   (Be sure to include the number of people sampled, the independent and dependent variables and the duration or amount of time for your experiment.)
I would sample one hundred people, my independent variable is they will soak both their hands for 1 hour and different ages of the participants. My dependent variable is that i will use different objects to move and i will change the temperature of the room or the temperature of the water they soak their hands in.               
4. While scientists are attempting to determine the biological purpose for prune fingers, the article does not discuss why prune fingers happen in the first place.  What biological process allows for the skin on our hands and feet to turn wrinkly when submerged in water for long periods of time? 
The biological process that allows for the skin on our hands and feet to turn wrinkly when submerged in water for long periods of time is called osmosis. 

1 comment:

  1. Be careful when determining the difference between independent and dependent variables. The independent variables are what you (the scientist) control while the dependent variable is what you are measuring (what changes as a result of the independent variable being changed). 90. Good job.
